Free kick or not?

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Free kick or not? Empty Free kick or not?

Post by Lee Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:14 pm

From 'Ronny's Blog' - Ron Fuller:

Ronny's Blog

Kick ins.

After watching the finals in the AFL series I observed that almost all of the times a kick went out of bounds without anyone else touching the ball, the umpires awarded a free kick to the opposition team of the kicker.

A few were questionable but most were probably right.

It got me to thinking that maybe the time was upon us that any kick that goes out of bounds without being touched needs to be penalized whether it is on the full or not.

This would avoid any doubts, which still occurs to the wrath of supporters and it would keep the game going as well.

Should the ball be touched first or as a result of a spoil it could still be thrown in but any deliberate handball could still be penalized as it is now.

This would mean that the boundary umpire could still do their duty but lessen the need throw it in as much.

I am sure it would introduce a skill to handball into an opponent’s legs, to draw a free kick by enterprising players, but that might add to the game a bit too.

I am also one who doesn’t really want to change too many of the rules but just thought this might improve the game a bit.


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